Case That Never Should Have Been Brought Resolves

The San Diego District Attorney has agreed to drop charges against Jessica McElfresh, an attorney ethically and legally assisting cannabis operators stay compliant with California law. As pointed out by the National Cannabis Bar Association last year, the over 400-year history and purpose of the attorney-client privilege warranted a finding in favor of Ms. McElfresh […]

Get licensed … or else get used to criminal charges

L.A. prosecutors are not playing. Yesterday, they brought 142 criminal charges against employees at 32 cannabis companies and a delivery business – a clear signal to cannabis operators: get licensed and compliant or get out.

Stepping Up to Correct Cannabis Injustice

When California voters passed Proposition 64 in 2016, they voted to correct a major injustice wrought by the failed war on drugs. In approving Proposition 64, California voted in favor of a provision permitting expungement of previous convictions for cannabis offenses. This provision was included in Proposition 64 to address the disparate impact that the […]

No Research Support for Our Wounded Veterans

We have heard preaching from the Trump Administration recently about supporting our troops, and no one would argue that our wounded veterans, those who suffer from chronic pain and PTSD, are not the very first who deserve our support. Over the years, as our veterans have been prescribed opioids for their chronic pain, and as […]

Senator Warren Leads Republicans on States’ Rights

This week, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts announced she is working with a bi-partisan group of senators on legislation to give states more control over their marijuana laws, in a direct rebuke to Attorney General Sessions January 4 rescission of the Cole Memorandum. While there are similar efforts in the House (including the increasingly popular […]

What is Williams Smoking?

Last week, Billy J. Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, wrote an opinion piece in The Oregonian, in which he argued that legalization of recreational cannabis negatively impacts public health. In support of his argument, Mr. Williams offered up the experience of Colorado (where voters approved legalization of recreational cannabis in 2012) […]